I Believe it is the biggest question of life. Why are we Here? In my opinion the reason why we are here is not for me to judge, it is for you to discover yourself. What I do know is we are not here to drive fast cars, and consume things, I believe we are here for a purpose. A spiritual reason. I know life is eternal because energy is eternal, you cant kill energy.
Trying to get to the bottom of why we are here was not an easy journey. I have explored many rabbit holes, which was fun all to answer that vital question, what is our purpose in life? Like so many others I thought it was to have fun, be successful and have money at first. Now I know different and I was very wrong. Please do not misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with money in fact it can be a great thing to have, but it is only a very small part of why we are all really here.
The Journey
Upon the journey I experienced many different takes on religions, all trying to fit in but nothing seem to gel. I finally realised after many different life experiences. That I AM here for the wellbeing of people and for me to evolve. I believe I am being guided to serve a greater good through helping people. We discovered we are light workers here to show people how to find love and be truly happy with themselves.
We Are All Connected
The answer is so beautiful, we are all connected, just like brothers and sisters and everything connects to the universe . We should try and live in harmony with the Earth and every person, creature on it. I decide to write a book about the things we tried. It looks at some of the different religions we explored and also at the different trinkets like Crystals and why they are so important. I have created a free eBook about our journey. I hope it helps you to find your path and discover the true meaning of why you are here on this stunning planet we call Earth.
Also I have started an on-line meditation group to help others, to find their path.
The definition of meditation
Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound, object, visualization, the breath, movement, or attention itself in order to increase awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and enhance personal and spiritual growth. I find meditation helps me to stay grounded. it gives me balance, which is what everyone needs right now with all that is going on in the world. I find it so relaxing to go into a meditative state of mind where I just leave this world behind.
The power of a still mind
Do, say and think nothing, I allow life to wash over me just like a leaf floating down a stream or clouds that just float by in the sky.
If you need help in learning how to quiet you mind, then just book one of our courses.
Lightworkers Helping People to find balance
I am what some people call a lightworker. I am not a label I am just me
When all your pain has come to pass, when you discover the God within you. That is the time we will all be reunited in love under God.
There are broken people all over the world. That is why I started a group called https://t.me/Spiritually_Awake.
Time for forgiveness
We can’t stay angry at the world or individuals forever. When you feel that the time has come for you to lay down the sword, we will be here to support you.
Lightworkers help you heal. So, you can continue your spiritual journey. We serve to remind you of the reason you came to this planet in the first place.
What is the spiritual Benefit of Crystals?
When you are considering how to become spiritual, there are certain items that can help. One of the benefits of crystals is their healing properties.
Crystals And their healing powers!
Collecting crystals to help cleanse, heal and balances your Chakras. They can help with balancing your emotions and can clear blocked energy fields. I believe they are a vital tool to my spiritual journey.
I even have crystals in my home. Crystals have helped me with my spiritual growth as I evolve from a 3D Human being to a 5 D galactic human being.