1st -2nd Degree Angelic Reiki workshop
3rd - 4th Degree Angelic Workshop
This 2.5 day workshop covers all the attunements, healing practices and information contained within the full system which is usually taught over four weekends. It provides a rich and deep experience for those travelling from abroad or those wishing to teach or practice this unique modality.
The energy exchange or compensation is the international standard for 1st -2nd Degree £300.00.
The energy exchange or compensation is the international standard for 3rd -4th Degree £432.00.
Accommodation is available call 07817378749 to book, accommodation is on a first come first served basis.
The Angelic Reiki workshop is held under Common/Natural/Universal Law. In essence this means that we relate as living men and women taking full responsibility and acting with love and truth.
Deposit: The workshop participant is aware that upon registering for a workshop that a deposit is required.
Please note: Should the workshop participant decide to cancel for any reason, the deposit is non-refundable. If the organiser, Gary Bashford, cancels the workshop the deposit will be fully refunded excluding any exchange fees made by banks or PayPal.
Final Balance: The balance will be due three (3) weeks prior to the start of the workshop.
Included: The Energy Balance of the workshop includes registration to the workshop plus coffee, tea and water during the course of the day.
Not Included: Transportation from/to and around the venue, flights, hotel accommodation and meals, unless booked in to the venue.
Notice to living man or woman:
I, agree to take full responsibility for any and all issues that may arise for i. I understand that this is a transformative workshop and I appreciate that symptoms of clearing may take place before, during and after the class. I understand that Gary Bashford reserves the right to ask a workshop member to leave the workshop if their behaviour is harmful, disruptive or dangerous to the workshop group. I have also read, signed and returned the Conditions of Acceptance letter as emailed to me by the organiser. Also, I have discussed any issues arising with Gary Bashford.
Dappers Lane
West Sussex
BN16 4EN
Dates 2024 April
Friday 26/04/24 to
Sunday 28 /04/2024
Starts at 2pm the first day and finishes at 4pm on the last day.
All other days 10.00am – 5.30pm
Angelic Reiki Workshops
The following workshops are covered in these terms and conditions
This 2.5 day workshop covers all the attunements, healing practices and information contained within the full system which is usually taught over four weekends. It provides a rich and deep experience for those travelling from abroad or those wishing to teach or practice this unique modality.
The energy exchange or compensation is the international standard of £468.00.
Accommodation is available call 07817378749 to book, accommodation is on a first come first served basis.
The Angelic Reiki workshop is held under Common/Natural/Universal Law. In essence this means that we relate as living men and women taking full responsibility and acting with love and truth.
Deposit: The workshop participant is aware that upon registering for a workshop that a deposit is required.
Please note: Should the workshop participant decide to cancel for any reason, the deposit is non-refundable. If the organiser, Gary Bashford, cancels the workshop the deposit will be fully refunded excluding any exchange fees made by banks or PayPal.
Final Balance: The balance will be due three (3) weeks prior to the start of the workshop.
Included: The Energy Balance of the workshop includes registration to the workshop plus coffee, tea and water during the course of the day.
Not Included: Transportation from/to and around the venue, flights, hotel accommodation and meals, unless booked in to Brindles.
Notice to living man or woman:
I, agree to take full responsibility for any and all issues that may arise for i. I understand that this is a transformative workshop and I appreciate that symptoms of clearing may take place before, during and after the class. I understand that Gary Bashford reserves the right to ask a workshop member to leave the workshop if their behaviour is harmful, disruptive or dangerous to the workshop group. I have also read, signed and returned the Conditions of Acceptance letter as emailed to me by the organiser. Also, I have discussed any issues arising with Gary Bashford.
Master Teacher workshop
Dappers Lane
West Sussex
BN16 4EN
Dates 2024 TBC
Friday to
Sunday 2024
Starts at 2pm the first day and finishes at 4pm on the last day.
All other days 10.00am – 5.30pm
Up hills and down dales where will your spiritual journey take YOU!
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