Learn The Principles of the 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki Workshop
One may find that work colleagues and friends seek advice where they didn’t before; inspirational writing and poetry may start to flow; and life may start to unfold in a new way. Lessons that the Soul has chosen may come up energetically and present difficult challenges. There is a modern misperception that when one walks the Spiritual path life is smooth, good, easy and joyful. It would be more accurate to say that today’s Spiritual path is changeable, dynamic, rugged, challenging and sometimes chaotic.
It is our choice whether we walk this path with Grace, Love, Joy, and Power. The Path of the Master is rarely an easy one, but it is full of LIFE.
This workshop is a gift for anyone who wants to merge more deeply with the Angelic Kingdom. Archangel Metatron always said that Angelic Reiki was the healing of our time, and its purpose is to support everyone who seeks guidance on their own spiritual path. We are all on the path to integrating and realising the truth that we are creator beings, that we are masters of this reality.
This workshop provides the tools to merge with one’s Soul energy and fulfil one’s purpose on Earth. The deep and profound attunements and healings experienced in this workshop provide one of the most powerful experiences for those seeking change. Many people have experienced their life’s purpose unfold after receiving these attunements. Some have found that a connection to Archangel Michael has awakened a profound ability to cleanse and heal this planet; others have written inspirational prose and poetry; yet others have found that friends and colleagues have turned to them for help, and that this help has been Angelically inspired.
Whatever is your Dharma, it is unique to you, and it will be awoken and supported.
The Principle of the 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki Workshop
The principle of doing the 3rd & 4th Degree workshop is to initiate an unconditional link with the healing energy of the Angelic Kingdom. This is a marvellous opportunity and gift to develop yourself on a personal level. This workshop does not include a professional qualification. This workshop could be the catalyst to changing your life’s path! Giving you a skill set you can develop further and assist others with. It is a true gift, the kind of gift you would give a loved one, so why not start with YOU!
It has proved to be the incentive for many participants to find and follow their life’s purpose. It supports your own personal development, healing, and spiritual journey, highlighting your gifts and spiritual talents, and may even reveal your dharma. Angelic reiki is about standing in your own power and the divinity that is you. helping you assist and support family and friends. You may even be encouraged to step up to become a professional healer or teacher. It is wonderfully practical with lots of opportunities to experience the unique gift of giving and receiving an Angelic Reiki healing.
Importantly, the attunements are facilitated by, and though, the Angelic Kingdom of Light by-passing any need for the energy to come through a human body or consciousness. This guarantees its purity. Each participant will connect to their own angelic interface.
Why evolve to 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki Masters Workshop
The reason to learn the principals of Angelic Reiki in this workshop Is to help a person on their souls journey to evolve and to heal. The 3rd and the 4th Degree Angelic Reiki, are levels to initiate the participant into the Master energy of this system. This is an invitation to the on-going process of self-mastery, not a teaching qualification. This level will be intergraded perfectly for each participant.
The name Reiki Master has been banded around a lot and over the years has become misused by some people. With Angelic Reiki we take our guidance from the Ancient Wisdom and to obtain an attunement into Master energy is first and foremost a personal process. Your Soul has guided you to a place where you can receive the energetic tools in order to accept your own Mastership, accepting that this manifested reality is your creation! Our world is a great playground, and these attunements are not about being good or spiritually perfect, a ready judgment that Humans make, they are about accepting and recognising that we are each totally the creator of our lives and accepting this Mastership with the personal responsibility and self-awareness that this entails. This workshop opens the door to leaving behind all victimhood and sense of living life as a result of some external effect.
In Angelic Reiki, the 3 and 4 Masters workshop is not the teacher qualification. It is a stepping stone along our personal spiritual path. It will awaken spiritual talents, and everyone will use this energy in their own unique way.
What are the benefits of evolving to 3rd and 4th Degree Angelic Reiki?
This course incorporates the following:
Two Angelic Reiki cleanses and attunements
One Archangelic initiation and blessing
A definition and understanding of the nature of Angelic energy.
The principles of clearing and dedicating space
Six healing methods including self and distant healing.
Four practical healing exchanges
Cleansing and attuning crystals
The laws of healing according to the divine hierarchy as given by Djwhal Khul
Full Attunement to Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree which includes 8 Divine Multi-dimensional Symbols.
A complete Karma Cutting and Angelic Clearing prior to taking the attunement.
Hands-on healing experience, being a channel for healing energy through Healing Angels and the Reiki Symbols plus the first steps in Multi-dimensional Healing.
An attunement to the Angelic Kingdom of Light at the 11th dimension through the Archangel Metatron and Angelic Collective “The Mighty Sarim”. This involves an attunement given by 30 Archangels, the Chief Celestial Angel Princes.
The level 3 and 4 workshop is a powerful experience and lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of the Ascension. It places you in your own Spiritual Power and Knowledge of yourself as the Ascended Master that you truly are.
Wording courtesy of Angelic Reiki International
What's is incorporated into the course ?

“Be with creation and people who make you smile a little today.”
by Gary Bashford
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