Learning the art of dowsing can be great fun and some would say it is a long-lost ancient skill. There are many surprises waiting for the committed dowser. They can be used as a general indicator. We would suggest using them with Tarot Cards for accurate divination. Health can be a contributing factor and can sometimes affect the energy healing in the reading as the pendulums pick up on your energy. Never a good time to use the pendulum when you are feeling under the weather. As you are likely to get an inaccurate reading. Atmospherics has been known to affect the reading of
the pendulum reader.
What to look for in a good Pendulum
It’s important to buy good quality, when considering a dowsing pendulum or healing wand. This can be the difference between a good and bad reading. So making sure it is of high quality is what to look for in a pendulum is very important. Healing wands and dowsing pendulums are well-balanced and of premium quality Crystal. Most are handcrafted, all are beautifully finished.

“Be with creation and people who make you smile a little today.”
by Gary Bashford
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